"The Top Online Marketing Tools for Local Businesses: Boost Your Reach and Maximize Your ROI"


Are you an owner of a local business seeking to expand your client base and boost your return on investment (ROI) from marketing, on your website, and overall the internet? Look nowhere else! We'll introduce you to the best tools for online marketing in this article so you can grow your business, reach more customers, and take advantage of one of the most effective methods of marketing available today. We have you covered on everything, from social media to search engine optimization (SEO) we’ll show you which tools will give your business a boost.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Social Media Marketing Tools
    • Facebook Ads Manager
    • Instagram for Business
    • Twitter Ads
  • Email Marketing Tools
    • Mailchimp
    • Constant Contact
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tools
    • Google Analytics
    • Ahrefs
    • SEMrush
  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Tools
    • Google Ads
    • Bing Ads
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Tools
    • HubSpot
    • Shopify
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs



Online marketing for your local business might be challenging. It may be difficult to get started with the abundance of tools and platforms available. For this purpose, we've put up a list of the best internet marketing tools that may increase your reach and raise your ROI. 

These resources can help you in meeting your marketing objectives whether you're just starting out and you're in the process of seeking new clients,  or if you have been in business for some time and it’s time to invest more into your business.

Social Media Marketing Tools

With the help of social media, you may connect with your customers and expand your customer base. Social media allows you to stay on top of your customer's minds at all times. Posting once a day, or even once a week beats not posting at all. Here are some of the most effective and widely used social media marketing tools to help you achieve your business goals:

Facebook Ads Manager

Facebook Ads Manager is a powerful tool that allows you to create and manage Facebook ads. Using this tool, you can create video ads, image ads, or social media posts and target your ads to specific audiences based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and more. You can also track the performance of your ads and make adjustments to improve their effectiveness.

Instagram for Business

Instagram for Business is a platform that allows you to create a business profile and promote your products or services to Instagram users. Just like facebook, you can create various different type of ads. With this tool, you can create and publish posts, stories, and as well. You can also track your engagement and analyze your audience to improve your marketing strategy over time.

Twitter Ads

Twitter Ads is a platform that allows you to create and promote tweets to a targeted audience. With this tool, you can promote your products or services to a specific group of Twitter users based on their interests, location, and other factors. You can also track the performance of your tweets and make adjustments to improve their effectiveness.

Email Marketing Tools

Email marketing is a powerful tool that can help you build, maintain, and strengthen your relationships with your customers and above all, drive sales. Here are some of the top email marketing tools that can help you achieve your goals:


Mailchimp is an email marketing platform that helps businesses of all sizes to connect with their customers through targeted and personalized email campaigns. It's like having your own personal email marketing guru who can help you create beautiful email campaigns, track their performance, and optimize them for success.

Constant Contact

Constant Contact is an email marketing tool that allows you to create and send emails to your subscribers. With this tool, you can create custom templates, automate your email campaigns, and track your results. You can also segment your subscribers based on their behavior and interests to improve your targeting.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tools

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). There are a number of tools on the market that claim to be able to help you improve your SEO in a relatively short amount of time. Unfortunately, SEO isn’t a sprint, but if you’d like a sure way to improve your SEO, here are some of the top SEO tools that can help you achieve your goals:

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free tool that allows you to track your website traffic and analyze your audience. With this tool, you can see how people are finding your website, the pages they are visiting, and how long they are staying on each page as well as a ton more information that can help you make business-enhancing decisions. This information can help you improve your website content and increase your visibility in search engine results.


Ahrefs is a paid tool that provides a comprehensive analysis of your website's backlinks, organic search traffic, and keyword rankings. It allows you to identify areas of your website that need improvement and develop an effective strategy to improve your visibility in search engine results.


SEMrush is a paid tool that provides a wide range of SEO and digital marketing features. It allows you to track your website's performance, analyze your competitors' strategies, and identify new opportunities for growth. Whether you're looking to improve your SEO, content marketing, or PPC campaigns, SEMrush can help you achieve your goals.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Tools

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a type of online advertising where advertisers pay each time a user clicks on their ad. This is useful because you only pay for the audience who actually visit you online; or, your website. Here are some of the best PPC tools on the market that can help you achieve your goals:

Google Ads

Google Ads is a powerful platform that allows you to create and manage Pay Per Click (PPC) campaigns on Google's search engine results pages (SERPs) and other websites. With this tool, you can target your ads to specific audiences, track your performance, and adjust your campaigns to improve your ROI.

Bing Ads

Bing Ads is a platform that allows you to create and manage PPC campaigns on Bing's search engine results pages (SERPs) and other websites, although not as enormous as Google ads, Bing is still a very powerful platform that can not be ignored. Bing allows you to target your ads to specific audiences, track your performance, and adjust your campaigns to improve your ROI.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Tools

Customer relationship management (CRM) is the process of managing and analyzing interactions with your customers to improve your relationships with them. Here are some of the top CRM tools that can help you achieve your goals:


HubSpot is a comprehensive CRM platform that provides a wide range of features for managing your customers and marketing campaigns. With this tool, you can track your customer interactions, manage your sales pipeline, and automate your marketing campaigns. There is a wide range of different tools in Hubspot arsenal, and for one simple fee, you can have it all


Shopify is a powerful CRM platform that provides a wide range of features for managing your customers and marketing campaigns. It allows you to track your customer interactions, manage your sales pipeline, and automate your marketing campaigns in various different ways.


Marketing your local business online can be challenging, but with the right tools and strategies, you can achieve your goals and get the most out of your investment. When you're looking to improve your business presence online, there are plenty of tools available to help you succeed. By leveraging the power of these marketing tools, you can boost your reach, increase your visibility, and build stronger relationships with your customers.


  1. What is the best social media platform for local businesses?
    A. All of them, repurpose your content to be in front of as many faces as you can, from a 10+ minute youtube video to a 15 second instagram reel.

  2. How can email marketing help my local business?
    A. E-mail marketing allows you to contact people who are interested in and perhaps have done business with you. This becomes a completely free way to advertise increasing your revenue without increasing your marketing costs

  3. What is SEO, and why is it important for local businesses?
    A. SEO is a continuous process of managing your website to meet and exceed the most up to date standards to help your business stay ahead of the competition.

  4. What are the benefits of using a CRM tool for my local business?
    A. A customer relationship management tool helps you keep all your customer information in one place, this allows you or other members of your team to leave customer notes after each interaction and allows you to expand the knowledge of your individual customer.
Ibrahim Konate
Post by Ibrahim Konate
March 12, 2023
Ibrahim has been practicing internet marketing for over 5 yeas. Equipped with some of the highest industry certifications and real world experience. He's now nose deep in search engine optimization and website management.
